Below, we have different definitions or meanings of the word word. These different definitions are grouped based on the different parts of speech. You will also find examples for every definition if available
Noun: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
UK: /wɜːd/
US: /wɝd/
The smallest unit of language that has a particular meaning and can be expressed by itself; the smallest discrete, meaningful unit of language. (contrast morpheme.)
Something like such a unit of language:
The fact or act of speaking, as opposed to taking action. .
Something that someone said; a comment, utterance; speech.
A watchword or rallying cry, a verbal signal (even when consisting of multiple words).
mum's the word
A proverb or motto.
News; tidings (used without an article).
Have you had any word from John yet?
An order; a request or instruction; an expression of will.
Don't fire till I give the word
A promise; an oath or guarantee.
I give you my word that I will be there on time.
A brief discussion or conversation.
Can I have a word with you?
(in the plural) See words.
There had been words between him and the secretary about the outcome of the meeting.
(sometimes Word) Communication from God; the message of the Christian gospel; the Bible, Scripture.
Her parents had lived in Botswana, spreading the word among the tribespeople.
(sometimes Word) Logos, Christ.
Verb: Verbs are action words that describe actions or states.
UK: /wɜːd/
US: /wɝd/
To say or write (something) using particular words; to phrase (something).
I’m not sure how to word this letter to the council.
To flatter with words, to cajole.
To ply or overpower with words.
To conjure with a word.
To speak, to use words; to converse, to discourse.
Part of Speech: Interjection. Interjections are short exclamatory words or phrases that convey strong emotions.
UK: /wɜːd/
US: /wɝd/
Truth, indeed, that is the truth! The shortened form of the statement "My word is my bond."
"Yo, that movie was epic!" / "Word?" ("You speak the truth?") / "Word." ("I speak the truth.")
(stereotypically) An abbreviated form of word up; a statement of the acknowledgment of fact with a hint of nonchalant approval.
Verb: Verbs are action words that describe actions or states.
UK: /wɜːd/
US: /wɝd/
(except in set phrases) To be, become, betide.
Well worth thee, me friend.
Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: Bible, word of God, God, Logos, promise, vocable
Synonyms: express, phrase, put into words, state