Below, we have different definitions or meanings of the word more. These different definitions are grouped based on the different parts of speech. You will also find examples for every definition if available
Adverb : Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about how something is done.
UK: /ˈmɔː/
US: /ˈmɔɹ/
To a greater degree or extent.
I could no more climb that than fly!
Used to form the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs.
You're more beautiful than I ever imagined.
In negative constructions: any further, any longer; any more.
Used in addition to an inflected comparative form.
I was more better at English than you.
Pronoun: Pronouns replace nouns to avoid repetition in a sentence.
UK: /ˈmɔː/
US: /ˈmɔɹ/
A greater number or quantity (of something).
There isn't enough salt in this. You need to add more.
An extra or additional quantity (of something).
There aren't many people here yet, but more should be arriving soon.
Noun: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
UK: /ˈmɔː/
US: /ˈmɔɹ/
A carrot; a parsnip.
A root; stock.
A plant.
Verb: Verbs are action words that describe actions or states.
UK: /ˈmɔː/
US: /ˈmɔɹ/
To root up.
Synonyms and Antonyms