Below, we have different definitions or meanings of the word gaslight. These different definitions are grouped based on the different parts of speech. You will also find examples for every definition if available
Noun: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
UK: /ˈɡæslaɪt/
US: /ˈɡæsˌlaɪt/
A lamp which operates by burning piped illuminating gas.
The light produced by the burning gas in such a lamp.
Verb: Verbs are action words that describe actions or states.
UK: /ˈɡæslaɪt/
US: /ˈɡæsˌlaɪt/
To manipulate (someone) psychologically such that they question their own memory, perception, and sanity, thereby evoking in them cognitive dissonance and low self-esteem.
Synonyms and Antonyms
Synonyms: gas lamp
Synonyms: head-game