Below, we have different definitions or meanings of the word advocate. These different definitions are grouped based on the different parts of speech. You will also find examples for every definition if available
Noun: Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
UK: /ˈæd.və.keɪt/
US: /ˈæd.və.keɪt/
Someone whose job is to speak for someone's case in a court of law; a counsel.
Anyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor.
A person who speaks in support of something.
A person who supports others to make their voices heard, or ideally for them to speak up for themselves.
Since she started working with her advocate, she has become much more confident.
Verb: Verbs are action words that describe actions or states.
UK: /ˈæd.və.keɪt/
US: /ˈæd.və.keɪt/
To plead in favour of; to defend by argument, before a tribunal or the public; to support, vindicate, or recommend publicly.
To encourage support for something.
I like trees, but I do not advocate living in them.
(with for) To engage in advocacy.
We have been advocating for changes in immigration law.
Synonyms and Antonyms